Institute Courses

We want to see every believer grounded in their faith and challenged to go deeper. We offer a rotation of four 6-8 week core courses in the areas of Christian Story, Christian Beliefs, Biblical Interpretation, and Christian Formation. Additional courses are added regularly to go more in-depth in these areas and explore other topics of relevance to the body.

  • Christian Story

    Everyone loves a good story. Whether we know it or not, the story we believe about the world is shaping how we live and what we love. Scripture tells us that God is the author of the true story of the world and we are all part of it.

    Christian Story courses will explore themes within the discipline of Biblical Theology and emphasize the unity of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation.

  • Christian Beliefs

    “Christian, What Do You Believe?” We ask this question every week prior to reciting The Apostle’s Creed. Our corporate confession answers the question, but would you be able to expound further upon these core doctrines of our faith?

    Christian Belief courses will examine key theological concepts that have shaped the Reformed tradition, exploring what we believe, why we believe it, and how it applies to our daily lives.

  • Biblical Interpretation

    Many who are new to the Bible, as well as those who have been reading it for a while, struggle with where to start or how to interpret the text. Like all literature, there are basic principles for reading that help us to understand.

    Biblical Interpretation courses will teach core principles for understanding the original setting, various genres, how God's Word applies to us today, and how to effectively communicate the Word to others.

  • Christian Formation

    We are constantly being formed through conscious and unconscious habits in our daily lives. Throughout history, Christians have engaged in certain habits and Biblical practices that work to counter-form us into the image of Christ.

    Christian Formation courses will help you understand, value, and employ these practices in your own life and community.

Spring 2024 schedule

  • Nearly one-third of the Bible is made up of poetry - including the songs, laments, and inspired wisdom of God’s people. Poetic language is one of the main ways God has chosen to speak in his revealed Word. Throughout history, many have found the Psalms and other poetic passages of Scripture to be among the most treasured for the Christian life. However, poetry can also feel confusing or difficult to understand.

    This 6-week Biblical Interpretation course will provide strategies for reading and understanding this important genre of Scripture. Working in various Old Testament texts, participants will learn the characteristics of Hebrew poetry and how they convey meaning. We’ll consider together how the poetry of Scripture can speak to our hearts and provide us with unique language for worship, discipleship, and mission.

    Sundays 11 AM-12:15 PM || April 14-May 19

    Register by April 1 for childcare

Previous course offerings

  • Whether we know it or not, the story we believe about the world is shaping how we live and what we love. Scripture tells us that God is the author of the true story of the world and we are all part of it. This 8-week course will introduce you to a discipline called Biblical Theology which emphasizes the unity of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation.

    This course is team-taught by our pastors, staff, and elders and utilizes Vaughn Robert’s book “God’s Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible.”

  • We are constantly being formed through conscious and unconscious habits in our daily lives. Throughout history, Christians have engaged in certain habits and Biblical practices that work to counter-form us into the image of Christ.

    This 8-week course will help you understand, value, and employ these practices in your own life and community.

  • How could a loving God allow so much suffering? Isn’t Christianity homophobic? Doesn’t Christianity denigrate women?

    These are significant questions being asked by followers of Christ and skeptics alike. We believe our faith provides answers and hope in light of these and other difficult questions.

    This 7-week course will explore hard questions confronting Christianity today. Whether you are asking these questions yourself or wanting to come alongside others, we invite you to join us Sunday mornings before our Worship Service from May 1 - June 12.

    This course is team-taught by our pastors, staff, and elders and utilizes Rebecca McLaughlin’s book, “Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion.”

  • Talking about faith in Jesus Christ in our increasingly post-Christian culture is hard. How do we start conversations? What do we say to friends or family who don’t understand why we believe?

    Tony Dentman, Chicago Campus Outreach Director, will lead this one-session workshop sharing personal stories and practical, simple ways to communicate the hope we have in Christ. The workshop is free and childcare will be provided.

  • In 2020 Holy Trinity Church did not gather in person for 53 weeks straight. It forced us to confront a lot of questions about the nature of the church. Is the church more than just a Sunday gathering? What is the church called to do in the world? What makes the church different from other communities? You may still be asking these questions about the purpose of the church.

    This 8-week course seeks to understand how the church is the means by which God accomplishes His mission in your life, our city, and the world

  • Item Whether we are new to reading the Bible or have been studying it for a while, many of us struggle with where to start or how to interpret the text. Like all literature, there are basic principles for reading that help us to understand.

    This 8-week course will teach core principles for understanding the original setting, various genres, how God's Word applies to us today, and how to effectively communicate the Word to others.

  • Evangelicalism. It's become an increasingly contentious and polarizing word in the last decade - both in the culture and the church. While it carries a lot of baggage, there is a rich heritage and much good that has come from this Protestant movement.

    This 4 session course will explore the history and contours of almost 4 centuries of American Evangelicalism with insight and application for our lives today.

  • “Christian, What Do You Believe?” We ask this question every week prior to reciting The Apostle’s Creed. Our corporate confession answers the question, but would you be able to expound further upon these core doctrines of our faith?

    This 6-week course will examine key theological concepts that have shaped the Reformed tradition, exploring what we believe, why we believe it, and how it applies to our daily lives.

  • We've heard that the 66 books of the Bible tell one story about our great God, but how do they fit together, and what are the genres and major themes of each book?

    This 8-week course will serve as a guide to the full canon of Scripture with an emphasis on how to read each book in the context of the grand narrative.

  • In our interconnected world, our daily lives bring us in contact with people from every corner of the world, be it through work, travel, social media, or the latest news updates. But, have you ever considered how global realities and trends are impacting the growth of Christianity?

    This virtual course will explore the global nature of Christianity and our place within it. Join us for an introductory survey of the global landscape of Christianity.

  • This 8-week Spiritual Formation course seeks to ground us in what Scripture teaches about personal and corporate prayer, as well as provide approachable practices to incorporate into your daily life. We will not only learn about prayer but spend time practicing it together throughout our course, seeking to grow in hope and confidence as people of prayer.

  • This 5-week class will help parents create and renew Biblical frameworks for family life. We'll discuss discipline, technology, corporate worship, extra-hard situations, and family rhythms to calibrate our minds to God's heart for his children.


What you can expect from institute courses:

Core Classes
The Institute Core Classes offer an introductory pathway for Christian discipleship in the heart of the city. We desire for every member of Holy Trinity Church to participate in these 4 classes. Upon completion, we trust participants will be:
(1) Well-anchored in the grand storyline of Scripture
(2) More confident in the theological doctrines that ground
our faith
(3) Better equipped to study and apply God’s Word
(4) Firmly established in spiritual practices and Biblical habits to cultivate a
vibrant and thriving life of faith in our urban context.

Going Deeper
We will regularly offer courses that go another layer deeper in these same 4 areas of Christian Story, Christian Beliefs, Christian Formation, and Biblical Interpretation. For example, there may be a 6-week course solely on Stewardship, a Spiritual Formation topic. Or a Biblical Theology class on sexuality, or a Biblical Interpretation course on the book of Hebrews. We look forward to developing courses that meet felt needs and help us understand current topics in culture through a gospel-centered lens.

    • Courses are offered over a period of 8 weeks during the Fall and Spring semester

    • One core course will always be offered on Sunday morning each semester, additional courses will be offered at alternate times during the week

    • Each class period is one hour long and includes teaching and discussion

    • There is approximately an hours worth of homework each week

    • Classes are taught by pastors, elders, staff, and guest faculty